Saturday, May 31, 2003

Pre-departure Conference in Sanur Bali...

Kalau gw disuruh berkomentar konferensi kita di Bali kemarin, gw harus bilang bahwa 'the conference was exciting, fun, informative and inspiring'.

Dari semua sesi, acara, perjumpaan, baik yang resmi maupun tidak resmi, gw merasa excited dan fun. Gw menemukan banyak 'mutiara': informasi yg berguna, tips2 tak resmi yg membantu, orang2 yg menarik, figur-figur yg hebat, teman2 baru dan lama yg memberi inspirasi, acara2 yg menyenangkan, tempat2 yg asyik utk dikunjungi. In terms of friendship, I have found some people that I know will always be my true bestfriends whom I can count of in good times and bad times. Teman2 yg akan menjadi teman gw dalam waktu yg sangat lama. Dan gw harap bahwa teman2 ini akan menganggap gw sebagai teman selama2nya.

I'm wondering when I can see those wonderful people all again in one package, the whole group. I'm positive that I will meet each of those people in the future *probably with them as celebrities and I am in the position of their devoted fans :D, wuiiiiihhh*, but meeting all of them in a package will probably will not happen again. Whatever the situation will be, I am sure that when we meet I will feel the feelings that I had in those last three days that we spent. And I'm positive too that whatever the good-byes will be, I will feel as miserable as today *no kidding, I'm feeling miserable the moment I'm typing this journal*. I'll cross my fingers for us to meet in the Fulbright international conference in US, all of us, and probably someone or some people will be kind enough to arrange a reunion for us *winks to Jaha, Kurie, Tri, Yudha, Anis, Memet, Rizal, Zen, Yulia, Yolanda, Arief, Abi, anybody who are willing to be reunion committee?????*

I'm extremely grateful to Pak Piet, Ibu Nelly, Mbak Ratna, Mas Bambang, Mas Tony, Ibu Luci, Mbak Alda, and others in Aminef secretariat, bravo to them all and I should thank them for making it possible for me to meet and to find those 'gems'. I realize that it must be a bunch of hardwork to prepare everything for a bunch of complainers *like me...* and to convert those complainers into a praisers *like me....*. I didn't see anything that needed to be complained. In fact, eventhough yesterday I spent almost 7 hours in Juanda airport Surabaya with Abi and Anis because our flight to Semarang was delayed *yeah, it's a looooooootttttt of waiting in the airport* and then I had to ride my motorbike to Salatiga racing against trucks, busses and the cold air, I did not feel all the negativity that a normal person would be expected to feel in those situation. Rather, I was too busy pondering on the fabulous moments I shared with my new and beloved friends in Sanur. I do believe that everyone in the mailing list will be as appreciative as myself. That's why I raise my hat in salute to everyone in the secretariat.

What else? Uhmm, let's just hope that everyone will go to the US. If someone doesn't, I believe there will be something gigantic awaiting him/her in the future. Keep working hard, keep praying, then let's rest everything in God's hands.

*_* Dewi Keributan sekarang lagi mengalami serak di tenggorokan, huhuhu, but too poetic to bother, hehehehe